Date of Award


Document Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Art Education


Art & Design


Dr. Ross Schlemmer

Program Advisor

Dr. Christopher M. Strickland


internship, mentor, community partnership, reflection


Secondary education is placing a greater emphasis in preparing students through real life work experience. This case study examines one specific partnership of Baldwin High School visual arts students interning with a local business. It seeks answers to what can be gained through this partnership and what value, if any, the partnership has to visual arts education. This case study will compare student reflective performance before and after students’ internship experience. In this qualitative study, I interview the adult mentors leading the students’ internship, examine students’ reflective practices through their written self-evaluations, and observe their experiences with critiques. This along with a literature review helps me to consider how reflective practice through the internship impacts their artistic and classroom performance. Overall, the one-on-one attention and reflective guidance the students received through their internship impacted the students positively.



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