Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Against the Current: Omaha Women's Experiences with Education, Land, and the Law, Andrea Huebner
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Queer Frontier: Gender, Sexuality, and Intimacy in Minnesota Before 1900, Tyler J. Amick
Opportunity Lost: Iran and America in the Early Cold War, Clyde Brant
The Intersection of American Nativism and Eugenics: Anti-Japanese Sentiment Prior to World War II, James Richard Chesemore
Indigenous Economies in Wisconsin: The Impact of Allotment Policies and the Indian New Deal, 1800s – 1930s, Kyle Davis
The Mogadishu Effect: America's Failure-Driven Foreign Policy, Philip Benjamin Dotson
Forgotten Loss: The Story of Iowa's Deadliest Train Accident, Scott Foens
“Rare and Curious Covers”: Embroidered Book Bindings in Early Modern England, Christy Elaine Gordon Baty
Stolen Votes and Silenced Voices: An Overturned Colorado Election and the Suppression of Free Speech, David Hosansky
Enemies of All Mankind: Piracy in the British Atlantic World, 1680 to 1730, Nicholas Knuth
This Land is Our Land: Tree Planting and Environmental Construction on the Nebraska Prairie, Megan Sue Launchbaugh
The Show Soldiers: The Rifle Volunteers and the First World War, Kyle Lierman
The “Mother's Heart”: Social Networks and Smallpox Inoculation in the 18th Century, Jennalyn Welsh MacKay
“Storm of Insanity”: The Chaotic Nature of Relief Work and Financial Compensation Following the Johnstown Flood of 1889, Carly N. Marze
A Different Welcome Home: How Accusations of Brainwashing Affected the Experience of the Returning American POWs from the Korean War, Margaret Merithew
“My Flesh Was Its Own Shield” Eroticism in AIDS Activism, Jake Whitney
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Northwest Nebraska and the Pine Ridge Reservation before and after the Wounded Knee Massacre, Broc Michael Dean Anderson
Toward an Environmental History of the First Great Awakening, David Blakely
Never Silent: Development of Gay Activism in the Cold War Midwest, Braydon Conell
The Bavarian Birthright: Dynasticism, Faith, and the Creation of the Bavarian State in a Federated Empire, Nathan Ray Mauslein
Memories of War: An Oral History of the United States Army Special Forces Actions in the Gulf War, Justin McIntosh
Is This Your Boy? The Spirit of the American Doughboy in World War I Memorialization, Michael Leonard Nelson
A Race of Headsmen: The Life and Mind of a Dynasty of French Executioners, 1688-1847, Trevor Scott Rhodes
“Socialist In Form, National In Content” The Evolution of National Policy in Communist Russia and Poland: 1917-1953, Kaitlyn Marie Selzler
A Most Christian King: Church and State during the Reign of Henry III of England, Mason Gerald Smith
Glider Gladiators: American Transport Aviators and Glidermen in World War II, Gregory Franklin Withrow
Lorenzo Augustus Besançon: Man of Manifest Destiny, William J. Woodard
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
From Design To Denial- An Environmental Histroy Of The United States Chemical Weapons Program, William Nelson Connelly III
Against All Odds, British Government Policies and Civil Defense during the Blitz, Shawna Lynn Kozisek
Fashion in Focus: Women and Textiles in Rural America, 1920-1959, Autumn Langemeier
We Three Queens: Religious Policy and Practice in Tudor/Stuart Queenship, Julie McFarland
Friends, Brothers, and Murderers: Georgia’s Propaganda War during the American Revolution, Daniel Zane Moore
“This Is Now Our War”: The World War I Experience of Beaver County, Utah, Leah K. Stagg
“Protecting People, Not Places”: How Katz v. United States Restructured the Fourth Amendment, Kristina Leigh Wenger
Navigating Mixed Messages about Gender: Men and Women in the Northern Plains in the 1950s, Sarah Madelene Zacher
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Crazy Quilt Legacy: Uncovering Myths of Women's Madness on the Plains, Nancy B. Johnson