
Graduate Review


Human action has long been the cause of species introductions into new ecosystems (Lodge 1993). Now, these non-native species are a major global problem both ecologically and economically (Bled et al. 2011). Invasive species can alter habitats, decrease biodiversity, damage human settlements, and destroy agriculture (Townsend Peterson and Vieglais 2001; Kumschick and Nentwig 2010). The United States has been particularly affected by invasive introductions, a multitude of which have been avian species. Various management techniques have been implemented in order to control problem bird populations, however often times these methods are used with a ‘trial and error’ strategy. This review examines some of those methods as they have been applied to specific invasive bird populations in the United States and evaluates their effectiveness. It is concluded that an integrated management strategy should be implemented to combat invasive avifauna; focusing first on prevention, then exclusion, and finally removal. Such a strategy must be driven by sound research and vigorous impact assessments.



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