Kearney State MacCollege is a satiric publication which mocks various events at Kearney State College. Contemporary sources describe it as "an occasional newsletter of occasional quality". While issues are not attributed, later information suggests that Dr. Doyle Howitt authored the publication.
Kearney State MacCollege / UNKmart
This issue notes that the name will be changing to UNKmart, to reflect the shift in official name from Kearney State College to University of Nebraska Kearney. It lays out a number of changes that will be happening as part of the transition to a university.
Kearney State MacCollege
The 1990 issue of the satiric Kearney State MacCollege provides a supplement to the faculty guide, the Kearney State MacCollege Official Dictionary.
Kearney State MacCollege
This issue of the satiric Kearney State MacCollege clarifies "school policy concerning nuclear attack. The policy is basically the same as the snow day policy with the following revisions:". Revisions include library hours, location of offices, and who is in charge.
Kearney State MacCollege
This satiric newspaper has articles on campus mail (nothing funny should be sent), retirement accounts, and purchases. It also includes an interoffice exchange section, listing items available or needed.
Kearney State MacCollege
This issue of the satire publication Kearney State MacCollege includes the minutes from an academic affairs committee meeting, where an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Degree (IUD) in Prostitution Science was proposed.