"Civilization Among the Sioux Indians" by Herbert Welsh


Herbert Welsh



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Full title: Civilization Among the Sioux Indians. Report of a Visit to Some of the Sioux Reservations of South Dakota and Nebraska

Description by Herbert Welsh of his travels in South Dakota and Nebraska, focusing particularly on the conditions on reservations as well as interactions between various indigenous groups and the settler-colonial state. Welsh critiques the abuses of the Indian Administration, speculators, off-reservation boarding schools, and more. His proposed solution includes an end to the political spoils system in the Indian Administration, "the word 'no,' emphatically said and maintained, to the schemes of land grabbers and speculators", and the development of a plan to provide (Western) education.

Content Warning: Contains period typical racism in describing indigenous groups.

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Call Number

Special Collections E93 .I43

Publication Date



Office of Indian RIghts Association




"Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919", Theodore Roosevelt, Pine Ridge Reservation, Rosebud Reservation, Kul Wicasa Oyate, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (S.D.), Yankton Sioux Nation, Santee Sioux Nation, Santee Normal Training School


Native American Studies | Race and Ethnicity | United States History

Civilization Among the Sioux Indians



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