"Merle G. Aunspaugh"


Gothenburg, Nebraska


Merle Aunspaugh was the second son of Mrs. Lily Aunspaugh to die in the war. At NSTC he was described as being quiet and being a good friend once he go to know his peers. He entered the war as a lieutenant and was assigned to fly P-51 Mustangs in the 359th Fighter Group in support of the U.S. Army 8th Air Force bombing missions over Europe. He earned his wings on March 1944 and died on March 1945 in a plane crash in England.

Branch of Service

Army Air Force



Military Occupational Specialty

Fighter Pilot

Death Date


Original Source Location

UNK Archives Briggs Collection, Box 23, Envelope 3

Additional Information

Additional information available in the 1946 Blue and Gold yearbook, viewable at http://library.unk.edu/archives/ . If you'd like to schedule a visit to view these materials in person, or if you'd like to submit additional information, please contact us.

Briggs-B23-Env-3-Merl-Aunspaugh-2.tif (457439 kB)
Merle Aunspaugh in pilot's gear

Briggs-B23-Env-3-Merl-Aunspaugh-3.tif (35879 kB)
Merle Aunspaugh in uniform



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