Date of Award


Document Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Art Education


Art & Design


Dr. Ross Schlemmer

Program Advisor

Dr. Christopher M. Strickland


modernist, post-modernist, curriculum


The purpose of this study is to consider a curriculum that uses the best characteristics of both modernist and pos-tmodernist approaches to art education, and showcases artists that model the forged curriculum. A modernist approach to art education has students emulate the technical skills that has prevailed the Western culture of classical artists. A post-modernism approach is the idea that art education should be more about multiculturalism, social engagement, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Using a qualitative case study, a literature review is analyzed to understand both modernist and post-modernist paradigms. Through discussion, artists that model characteristics from both teaching approaches are examined and incorporated as inspiration in a forged curriculum. In conclusion I suggest a model for such a combined curriculum.



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