Date of Award


Document Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Art Education


Art & Design


Dr. Ross Schlemmer

Program Advisor

Dr. Christopher M. Strickland


Social justice, socially engaged art, community-based art, oppression, injustice, critical consciousness.


This research is inspired by my own desire to improve my teaching by implementing social justice lesson planning into my curriculum and to make it easier for other educators to do so. I believe that social justice is one of the most important topics we can teach that our students are facing today. By integrating social justice into art education, students can think critically about oppression, injustice, and inequality, that is happening to them and around them. Social justice in art education is a critical tool that students can utilize to examine oppression within our institutions and in our communities, they can be proactive in bringing awareness to injustice and promoting change. Social justice contains components that could further the development of students through inquiry, collaboration, and possibly community-based art that promote a realworld experience for students to make a difference and create change. Through social justice in art education, students can develop critical consciousness, Freire’s (1970) theory of one becoming aware of societal inequities and begin the practice of creating change by understanding and participating in democracy.



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