Date of Award


Document Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Art Education


Art & Design


Dr. Ross Schlemmer

Program Advisor

Dr. Christopher M. Strickland


art therapy, expressive therapies continuum (etc), collaborative for academic, social, and emotional learning (casel), frontloading, social and emotional learning (sel)


This case study begins with a brief description of my circumstances as a middle school art teacher, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), and my research questions: How can art educators adapt CASEL/SEL within their art curriculum to improve students’ mental health and abilities to cope with stress and trauma? What specific therapeutic and CASEL Model procedures can be applied to an art curriculum that aids in the development of a child’s social and emotional development or learning? SEL and CASEL are defined and compared to art therapy/art therapy practices. A rationale is given for the inclusion of SEL within the lessons presented along with the criteria for evaluating the CASEL Model. Conversations are deemed important within the structure of the unit between students and their peers and the educator. Information regarding the big ideas or main themes are presented through multiple sources, along with the importance of frontloading or providing background knowledge for students. How to conclude a therapeutic art unit is also discussed. The CASEL Model competencies are defined and considered according to the usefulness within the lessons presented. The different steps or lessons of the unit are outlined in more detail along with the CASEL themes that correspond with each. The case study is concluded by examining the importance of SEL/CASEL and therapeutic art experiences for students. Lastly, within the appendix, a detailed outline of the lessons throughout the unit are divulged.



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