

Covid-19, Cultural Differences, College Students, Country Comparison, Online Learning


US and Chinese students in their home countries rated their life experiences since the advent of Covid-19 on various aspects of their lives, including academic performance, social life, and emotional, financial, and physical well-being. Input was also received about how Covid-19 has affected their communication, career planning, and post-graduate goals.

To assess the impacts of these changes on college students, the authors created a questionnaire to ask students about their perceptions of these COVID-related impacts on their personal lives. The survey had 56 questions, with 1580 students responding, providing both objective input and subjective comments. Due to the volume of data, the authors have split the study into three parts. The survey results for the first part- academic and social aspects of the survey on US students- were published in Understanding the Impact of Covid-19 on College Student Academic and Social Lives, Research in Higher Education Journal Volume 41 (see http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/213347.pdf). It will sometimes be referred to herein to provide clarity to the reader. The actual survey itself can also be found at that site. The second part dealt with the emotional, financial, and physical results of Covid-19 on US students and was also published in the Research in Higher Education Journal (Volume 42). This third article compares the US student responses to their Chinese counterparts.

The analysis of the US and Chinese student responses shows that a marked difference exists in some areas between the two groups, while in other categories the perceptions were similar. Some of this may be due to cultural and geographic differences. Regardless of the reason, one major issue that warrants further investigation is that the level of stress has increased for both student groups since 2020 when Covid-19 began to spread. Also, there are some definite disparities in responses between the two that should also be the focus of further research.

Date Accepted

11 April 2024

Date Submitted

22 August 2023

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