For over 100 years, The Antelope newspaper has published weekly for the students, faculty and staff of the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the community of Kearney, Nebraska.
Students in the UNK Communication Department produce the print edition on Mondays and do final proof and edits on Tuesday. The 2,300 copies of the paper are distributed in print on campus and in the community Wednesday afternoon, and the news content goes online early Wednesday evening. An updated interactive WordPress website was activated in the fall of 2011.
Students in JMC 350 serve as unpaid writers for the paper for credit, but writers, editors and designers serve in paid positions each term working toward internships and employment in the news fields. JMC 351 Ad Staff students sell and submit ads and run ad campaigns. Students produce video in JMC 343, and news and photography classes submit work on occasion.
Back issues from 2003 to one semester before present are available here. Older content can be viewed in the UNK Archives in the Calvin T. Ryan Library, while present issues are available on The Antelope website.
The Antelope
Nebraska State Teachers College at Kearney
Homecoming Day - Antelopes Meet Bobcats
Combining annual institutes with 4th dist. teacher association
Intercollegiate forensic association holds meeting
New literary society is formed at the college
Visits at Peru
Bonfire at Campus
All School Party Held in Gym Saturday Night
Big Homecoming Day at Teachers College
K.S.T.C. Reserves Lose to Broken Bow High
Y.M.C.A Holds Interesting Meeting
The Antelopes Drop One to the Zebras
Additional articles cover various clubs and organizations.
The Antelope
University of Nebraska at Kearney
04-05-1918Special War Issue featuring numerous letters from Normal School students who have joined the military. Also includes articles about various types of war work students remaining in Nebraska are engaged in.