Date of Award


Document Type

Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) in Art Education


Art & Design


Dr. Ross Schlemmer

Program Advisor

Dr. Christopher M. Strickland


Art, attendance, education, after-school programs


Chronic absenteeism is a problem common within our education system, even more so in districts impacted by poverty. Consistent student attendance has and will continue to be an issue within our schools because it is difficult to pinpoint all the causes and issues that affect a student’s attendance. Despite this, art education, and after school art programs have been shown to improve student buy-in and help alleviate the inconsistent gaps in overall student attendance, behavior, test scores, life-skills, and improve participation within the classroom. This paper furthers the investigation by taking into consideration what the Boston and Chicago public afterschool art programs have and have not done successfully, while using the research to evaluate and construct the implementation of an after-school art program for a rural south-central Kansas school district.



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