Volume 1, Issue 1 (2000)
Empirical Research
The Use of Collaborative Learning as a Tool for Skill Integration: The Problem of Group Self-Selection
Mark Linville
Similarities Between BCIS and Other Business Students' Ratings of Technical Skill Importance
James E. Weber, Vicky J. McIntyre, and Mark Schmidt
Conceptual Works
Electronic Commerce Viability by Industry Group
William S. Remington, Zane Swanson, C. Bryan Foltz, and Trevor Moores
Organizational Culture: Relationship to Uncertainty, Sensemaking and Organizational Effectiveness
Rolf D. Dixon
Case Study
Virtual Teams in the Classroom: A Case Study
Nancy E. Landrum and Lori D. Paris
Industry Notes
The Use and Value of Data Warehousing in Higher Education
Robert P. Weber and James E. Weber
How Multinational Companies Gain a Competitive Advantage Through the Effective Use of Knowledge Management
Alan Hamlin and Greg Powell
An Analysis of Service Department Cost Allocation Error
David S. Christensen
E-Commerce as a Competitive Advantage for Small Businesses: Overcoming Privacy and Security Issues
Ron Lennon and Julisse Oquist
Cybershopping Levels The Playing Field In Global Retailing
Charles D. McCullough
Post-Pinochet Chile and Decree Law 600 (or, How to Make a Developing Economy Sizzle!)
Richard Scott, Judith Scott, Debora Gilliard, and Norm Pence
A Manager's Guide to Diagnosing Conflict: The 3-D Approach
Suresh Gopalan and David Summers
Conservation Easement Grantors: Doing Good and Doing Well
Nancy Oppenheimer