Content Posted in 2020
Accreditation: Social Work Department, Benjamin Malczyk
Age-specific posting: Tailoring social media post to audience age, Owen Bridges
American Legion Roster - Buffalo County Post #52, American Legion, Buffalo County Post #52
An Analysis of Dairy and its Effects on Vocal Production, Micah Sessions
Anna Rebhan, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Anne Campbell, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
April 2020 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
April 2020 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
Audrey Caskey, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Berniece Anderson, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Books of the Month May 1926, George W. Jacobs & Company
Bridge by Radio, U.S. Playing Card Company
Camp Creek - Dist. #54, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Carson Sublett, Bosses are Hired…Leadership is Earned, Susan Jensen
Children of Hanover, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Clara Frolich, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Clarence Olsen Materials, Hans Olsen
Clipping from Evening World Herald, March 9, 1926, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Clipping from Kearney Daily Hub, May 13, 1926, Kearney Daily Hub
Daphne Scott, Waking Up a Leader: Five Relationships of Success, Susan Jensen
David A. Rhone Materials, Unknown
December 2016 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
Dessie Bellew, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Dist. #17, Country School Legacy Administrative Staff
Electromagnetic Interference Reduction of High-speed Digital and Analog Circuits Using Engineered Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures, Brandon Ramos
Evening World Herald - June 30, 1926, Omaha World Herald
Exploring 3-5 Grade Teachers' Self-efficacy with Inquiry-based Science Instruction, Sarah Laden
February 2020 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
February 2020 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
Fort Kearney D.A.R. Yearbook 1924-1926, Daughters of the American Revolution, Fort Kearney Chapter
Glen Estes, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Goldie Ewing Wilson Bigsby, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Gordon Hansen, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Grandview School - Dist. # 85, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Halliburton Whistleblower Tony Menendez - An Accountant with Moral Courage, David S. Christensen and Gerald Calvasina
Harmony School - Dist. #53, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Harriet Foos, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Helen Hanika, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Here's Good News, Unknown
Hickory Grove - Dist. #27, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Honor Roll of Buffalo County Soldiers in World War, 1917-1919, Unknown
Horton Family Collection, J S. Horton
Human Trafficking in Nepal: Can Big Data Help?, Shushant Khanal
Interim Accreditation Report: Interior Design, Accreditation Commission of the Council for Interior Design Accreditation
January 2020 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
Katherine M. Eliker, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Kearney Daily Hub - May 11, 1926, Kearney Daily Hub
Kearney Hub - February 25, 1969, Kearney Hub
Kimball, Nebraska Interviews, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Leadership After a Tornado Strike: Supply Chain Management Triage, Gregory Benson and Susan Jensen
Leadership On The Plains: Vignettes From Nebraska, Douglas A. Kristensen
Lena Delsing, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Lending a Helping Hand: Dollar Diplomacy in Latin America, Rachel Hollenbeck
Letter from the Dean, Tim Jares
Letter from the Editors, Srivatsa Seshadri and Larry Carstenson
Linden School - Dist. #21, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
List of the Members of Fort Kearney Chapter, D.A.R., Daughters of the American Revolution, Fort Kearney Chapter
Locust Grove - Dist. #32, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Looking Towards The Sky: Cloud Computing from a Conceptual to an IT Industry Game Changer, Jordan Bani
Lorraine Englebracht, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Managing Millennial Turnover in the IT Industry: Leading with an “Inside-Outfluence” Approach, Travis J. Hollman and Kyle W. Luthans
March 2020 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
March 2020 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
Mary Carrick, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Mervyn Benford, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Mike Ettore, Trust-Based Leadership: Marine Corps Leadership Concepts for Today's Business Leaders, Noel F. Palmer
Mildred Flodman Et Al, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Monetary Impact of National Exchange Carrier Association Tariffs on Internet Access Cost in Rural Areas, Tim Obermier and Angela K. Hollman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Abraham, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Nancy Bartos and Students, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
New Frontiers 2008-2009, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2009-2010, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2010-2011, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2011-2012, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2012-2013, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2013-2014, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2014-2015, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2015-2016, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2016-2017, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2017-2018, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2018-2019, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
New Frontiers 2019-2020, University of Nebraska at Kearney Office of Graduate Studies and Research
Niels Miller, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
November 2016 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
November 2019 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
Nutraceutical Potential for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment, Alex Gewecke
October 2016 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
October 2019 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
October 2020 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
Omaha Morning Bee - May 13, 1926, Omaha Bee
Omaha Sunday Bee - February 17, 1924, Omaha Bee
Omaha Sunday Bee - May 9, 1926, Omaha Bee
Photograph of Carl Shreve, Scott Studios
Photograph of Fort Kearney DAR Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Fort Kearney Chapter
Photograph of Horatio Herbert Hendryx, Unknown
Photograph of Marvin Larimer, Daughters of the American Revolution, Fort Kearney Chapter
Photograph of Vanner Gustus and Fred Sadler, Unknown
Pleasant Ridge - Dist. #18, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Powerful Men: An Evaluation of Successful Rhetoric, Rachel Hollenbeck
Program Review: Academic & Career Services Office, University of Nebraska at kearney Academic & Career Services Office
Program Review: Center for Economic Education, Mary Rittenhouse
Program Review: Center for Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, University of Nebraska at Kearney Center for Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Program Review: International Studies, Carol S. Lilly
Program Review: Music Program, Timothy Farrell
Program Review: Nebraska Safety Center, Nebraska Safety Center
Program Review: Philosophy Program, University of Nebraska at Kearney Philosophy Program
Program Review: Psychology Department, University of Nebraska at Kearney Psychology Department
Program Review: Sociology Department, University of Nebraska at Kearney Sociology Department
Program Review: Student Support Services (TRIO), University of Nebraska at Kearney Student Support Services
Program Review: UNK Science/Math Education M.S.Ed. Program, Christopher L. Exstrom
Program Review: Women’s, Gender & Ethnic Studies Program (WGES), Linda Van Ingen
R-6 School, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
R-7 School, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Ransomware - A Strategic Threat to Organizations, James Frost and Alan R. Hamlin
Ray Craig, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Ray Parrish, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Rena Hall, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Roster of David A. Rhone Post 759, VFW, David A. Rhone Post 759, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S
Roster of Sedwick Post No. 1, G.A.R., Sedwick Post, G.A.R.
Roy Eaton Death Notice, Unknown
Ruth Hansen, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Second April 2020 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
September 2016 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
September 2019 Academic Affairs Minutes, University of Nebraska at Kearney Academic Affairs Committee
September 2020 Faculty Senate Packet, University of Nebraska at Kearney Faculty Senate
Small Business Management: Using Assessment to Help Millennials Bridge the Gap Between the Classroom and Reality, Thomas W. Gainey and Jonathan R. Anderson
St. Deroin School - Dist. #56, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
The Antelope, University of Nebraska, Kearney
The Antelope, University of Nebraska, Kearney
The Antelope, University of Nebraska, Kearney
The Antelope, University of Nebraska, Kearney
The Antelope, University of Nebraska, Kearney
The Antelope, University of Nebraska, Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
The Antelope, Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney
Theodore L. Goff, Jr., Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
The Pattern of American Society: Treatment of Korean War Brides in the United States Following the Korean War, Tatiana Moore
Unidentified Photograph, Doyle
Unidentified Photograph, Henline
Using Speech Screening Process for Preschool-Age Children: Do Results Lead to Action?, Autumn Rhoads
Voice of Your City, March 1969, Ray E. Lundy
Walmart Impact on the Finance and Insurance Industry, Steven C. Hall, Suzanne K. Hayes, and Laurie Swinney
William Christy, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier
Wilsie Cross, Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier